We need you.
Yes… you.
No, not the guy beside you on the train, or the lady in front of you in the drive-thru.
We need you.

Missionaries Need You.

Missionaries aren’t just giving you an opportunity to flex your giving muscles, they are giving you an opportunity to serve. Giving to the cause makes you a co-worker for the truth (3 John 8 ).
An excerpt from a very well written post about why you should help missionaries. And I’m not posting this as a bid to get you give us money… I am posting because I believe this is true and because we do need you. Not just your money, but your partnership, your support, your prayers, and your encouragement.
Paul needed prayer, he needed support from others to help him on his missionary journeys, and he needed encouragement and fellowship. Paul, like all missionaries, needed partners.
We are partners in bringing the gospel to the nations. We’re all in this together. It’s an important work and God calls some to go and some to give (time, money, prayer, words of encouragement, support, etc).

Partner with us.  We truly need you.



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